Everything is bigger in Texas…..including the hail. Grapefruit-sized hail falls near Waco.
A hailstone four inches across fell near Waco, Texas.
Severe weather has impacted Texas since last week, resulting in several hailstorms. Large hail, strong winds, and heavy downpours are a powerful and destructive combination. More storms are expected to impact parts of Texas that have already been affected by previous storms.

Review your homeowner’s insurance policy and make sure it’s in good standing.
Before a storm sweeps over your property, review your insurance policy and make sure it’s active and in good standing. Otherwise, you risk going out of pocket for repair costs that would have normally been covered.
Most homeowners’ insurance policies offer some form of coverage for hail, wind, and water intrusion damage – which are commonly associated with powerful storms. Take pictures of your property prior to a powerful storm’s arrival; this will serve as critical evidence to strengthen your claim and possibly result in a faster payout from the insurance company. In the event your home is damaged, make sure to properly file a damage claim as soon as possible.
Multiple hailstorms roll through Texas, causing massive damage. What can you do if your property was damaged?
Hire an experienced property damage claim attorney in your area – especially one who specializes in hail damage. Insurance companies are notorious for denying, delaying, and underpaying damage claims. Make sure you don’t fall victim to an insurance company’s denial or underpayment tactics. Your property was damaged; you deserve to have it restored to its pre-loss condition.
JT Law Firm can help you collect compensation for your hail damage and fight for you to receive the highest possible payout.
What type of property damage is typically associated with hailstorms?
The intensity of a hailstorm can vary greatly – from rice-sized hailstones to grapefruit-sized stones or larger. Hail is basically ice falling from the sky and slamming into anything in its path. As the intensity of a storm picks up, so does the expected damage.
Property damage typically found after a hailstorm passes includes:
- Roof damage
- Cracked or broken roof tiles
- Damaged outdoor spaces, such as broken screened-in pools
- Damage to your property’s siding
- Damaged landscaping
Contact JT Law Firm for help with your claim.
Our Texas based law firm specializes in helping property damage victims collect the compensation they are entitled to. We aggressively fight for our clients, and we will fight for you.
Schedule your complimentary discovery call. Call us at 855-585-2997.