Denied or delayed hurricane claim? We can help you -> Contact us today for a free claim review, or call us at 855-585-2997.
Over 670,000 Hurricane Ian damage claims have been filed, out of which over 30% are still open, and thousands have been denied.
If you are one of the thousands of homeowners wronged by their insurance company – contact JT Law Firm today for help.

Have you filed your property damage claim?
It’s not too late to file a Hurricane Ian property damage claim, but your window to file closes on September 28, 2024.
Florida homeowners all across the state are facing denials and delays as their insurance companies fail to honor valid claims that were filed in a timely manner. If you are now just getting ready to file your claim, then a denial or delay may occur, as the insurance company might question why it took you so long to file. Our legal team can assist you in filing your claim the right way, and if a delay, underpayment, or denial occurs, we will take the necessary steps to get the claim process moving forward.
Act now to file on time -> Contact JT Law Firm today and trust the law firm other lawyers trust with their cases.
What is the #1 thing you can do as a homeowner to increase your chances of getting fairly compensated for your hurricane property damage?
Insurance companies want you to feel like they are on your side. When you call them, they immediately jump into their training protocol, which guides their actions and the words they use when speaking to you.
As a trained representative is walking you through the claims process, you may start to feel confused depending on the language they use. This might have you doubting the legitimacy of your claim. We can help. Let JT Law Firm P.A. help you handle reporting your claim. We can make sure that your property damages and claim concerns are made clearly and concisely without delay or distress.
Work with a property damage lawyer who has actual experience successfully resolving property damage claims and cases. Your insurance company will have a team of lawyers working for them. You should have a legal team working for you.
Every time a property damage claim is filed and the homeowner is not working with an attorney; the insurance company has the ability to mishandle the claim and push around the homeowner because the insurance company knows how to do this very thing and get away with it. For this reason alone, the best action you can take to maximize your hurricane damage claim is to have an attorney fight for you.
If your claim was denied or it’s been delayed, then why would the insurance company do the right thing all of a sudden?
When you choose to have an attorney fight for you, they will use the absolute force granted to them under the law to help you. Attorneys have a deep understanding of state and federal laws, and they know how to use these laws in conjunction with the policy your insurance company wrote for you to help get you paid.
We can help you get paid for your Ian damage claim.
Insurance companies are for-profit entities. We’ve caught insurance companies denying perfectly valid claims to keep their profits as high as possible at the cost of their customers’ well-being. JT Law Firm actually has a reputation for helping homeowners succeed. In fact, our founders have repeatedly closed monumental cases that have even set a precedent for other attorneys in the state to follow.
Right now, insurance companies are counting down the days until it’s too late for homeowners to file for a Hurricane Ian claim. Don’t miss your window to file.
Do not allow yourself to miss your window to file. If you have damage from Hurricane Ian, file a claim. If you believe you may have damage, then we can help you schedule a home inspection to know for sure. Homes that are damaged and that damage is from Hurricane Ian have a limited window to file to be compensated by their homeowner’s insurance policy. Your window closes on September 28, 2024.
We know how to maximize your claim and help push your case forward. For help, contact us today, and our team will fiercely fight for you. Fill out our contact form, or call us at 855-585-2997.