Residents are left shaken in the aftermath of a historic storm that brought a massive amount of rainfall to parts of Broward County, including Fort Lauderdale, FL, which experienced the worst of the storm. Homes, businesses, and cars all sustained damage estimated to be in the millions.
Expect damage claims to be denied and underpaid.
Unfortunately, in times of crisis, insurance companies are not known for honoring every policy – even policies where covered events took place. If your home or business was damaged, JT Law Firm can help you recover the compensation you are entitled to.

Frequently asked questions
How much time do I have to file a claim with my insurance company?
Depending on your policy, you have 1 or 2 years to file a damage claim and 60 days from the time of damage to file a flood claim.
Will my homeowner’s insurance cover my flood damage?
Usually no. Most standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover property damage from a flood. Flood insurance is a separate policy used to cover damages associated with a flood.
What happens if I did not have flood insurance at the time my home was flooded?
You will likely need to cover the expenses out of pocket. A professional can read your policy to see if any language in it indicates coverage of some kind. Flood damage is usually covered by flood insurance, so if there’s no flood insurance policy written prior to the date of loss, then the cost to repair or replace the damaged areas will likely need to be covered by the property owner.
Should my home be inspected even if I don’t see any damage?
Yes! The reason you should still have your property inspected even if you do not see any visible damage is because damage may still be present – it just may be harder to see. Wind uplift and water intrusion damage are commonly associated with a powerful storm, and they may not always be visible in the beginning. If a claim is not filed within your filing window, then you may need to come out of pocket for damages your policy would have covered if a claim was filed on time.
Homeowners’ insurance policies typically do cover roof damage. Contact JT Law Firm, and we’ll connect you with one of our trusted professionals so your home can be professionally inspected to identify the cause of your leak so we can determine if your policy will cover the repair costs.
My roof sustained major damage. Can you help?
We can! The facts surrounding the April 12, 2023 storm are still being put together, but there are multiple unconfirmed accounts of tornadoes spawning in multiple cities. Tornadoes create dangerous conditions and cause massive damage. If tornadoes did spawn, we would expect to see major roof damage to multiple homes. Right now, in the media, there are videos circulating showing homes with major roof damage, which does point to tornado damage.
How much does it cost to repair flood damage in a home?
According to an estimate from Floodsmart.gov, a 2,500-square-foot home with 6 inches of water could potentially have $50,000 or more in damages. However, it’s important to speak with a professional to accurately understand the damages your property sustained.
Speak with a flood damage claim attorney today.
Schedule your complimentary discovery call today. Call us at 855-585-2997.