Property Damage / Storm Damage Claims

This easy tip can help protect you from a claim denial.

Using your cellphone to take videos and images of your house before a hurricane strikes can help save you thousands by serving as undeniable evidence in your property damage claim submission.  

Key takeaways:

  • Pre-hurricane documentation is a powerful source of evidence! Before a hurricane makes landfall, taking photos and videos captured with your cell phone can serve as undeniable evidence of the condition of your home prior to any storm damage.
  • Roof damage is the most commonly reported type of hurricane damage.
  • Your damage claim can be reopened if it was unjustly closed as long as the timeframe for doing so is still open.
tip to help protect you from a claim denial.

It’s tough to argue against a homeowner whose house was damaged by a hurricane when they submit a claim with pictures of their home undamaged before the hurricane struck. 

Proving how your home was damaged is a burden the insurance company places on your shoulders. By proactively taking videos and pictures of your house, you help increase your chance at a high claim payout.  

What is the most common type of hurricane damage? 

Roof damage is most often reported as the most common type of property damage after a hurricane. 

Your roof is always exposed to the elements, and this remains true, especially during a hurricane. Powerful winds, tornadoes, heavy rainfall, and debris are all hammering away at your roof during a powerful storm.

Whether you have a shingle, tile, or a metal roof, a hurricane does not care. 

Here’s the average life expectancy for a roof in Florida:

  • Shingle roofs last up to 30 years 
  • Flat roofs can last up to 50 years
  • Metal roofs can last up to 50 years
  • Tile roofs can last up to 50 years 

Shingle, tile, and flat roofs are more common in Florida than metal roofs.  Out of these types of roofs, tile tends to be on the more costly end of the scale. 

Regardless of your roof type, taking videos and pictures of your home before a storm also means getting pictures and videos of your roof.  

Safe practices for taking pictures and videos of your home.

Safety should always be your priority.  It is advisable not to climb onto your roof for pictures due to the risk of injury and potential damage to the roof itself, which might not be covered by your insurance policy.  Instead, consider using a drone or hiring a professional drone service to safely capture high-quality aerial footage of your roof and other hard-to-reach areas of your home. 

Get Paid Faster for Your Hurricane Damage Claim

The whole point of having an active homeowners insurance policy is in case of damage. By submitting your claim with evidence to back it up, you start the claim process off with a strong foundation. 

Your insurance company has the duty to honor any valid claim.  If they fail to pay you what your claim is actually worth after submitting your claim with compelling evidence, then you may have a strong case against them.  

An experienced hurricane property damage attorney can step in and fight on your behalf. 

Your claim can be reopened if it was closed. 

If the insurance company unjustly closed your claim, you have the right to have the claim reopened. However, expecting the insurance company to change their mind on their own may be expecting too much from them.

Legal guidance from an attorney who will aggressively fight for you can help your claim process move in a favorable direction. 

JT Law Firm is with you every step of the way during your Hurricane Damage Claim Process. 

For help with a new or existing claim, fill out our contact form, or call us at 855-585-2997.

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