We are seeing chaos unfold in South Florida as heavy rainfall has caused flooding in multiple cities, prompting Governor Ron DeSantis to declare a state of emergency.
“Not again”
Is the sentiment South Florida residents are feeling right now. Last year in April several areas sustained heavy flood damage – Fort Lauderdale being the most affected.
“Is this going to be our lives now? Just getting home took me 3 hours today. After last year, I thought we were done with floods” ~ Fort Lauderdale Resident.
A mother was picking her child up from a daycare in Fort Lauderdale when flood waters closed her local streets, forcing her to take other routes, which were also blocked. Wanting to pick up her three-year-old son, fearing the floods were going to be a repeat of April of last year, this Fort Lauderdale mother can’t help but remember flood waters coming up from her floorboards the previous year during Fort Lauderdale’s massive flooding event.

Take this time to look out for water stains on your ceiling.
Homes affected by Hurricane Ian and Nicole may notice water intrusion damage in their ceilings during moments ofheavy rainfall. This can be a result of wind uplift damage that went unnoticed. Powerful winds can lift sections of your roof and then drop them in place when the wind subsides, resulting in a roof that looks undamaged but has broken seals.
You still have time to file a damage claim for Hurricane Ian and Nicole, but time is running out. The window to file a Hurricane Ian claim closes on September 28, 2024.

$25,000 or more in property damage can result from just 1 inch of water.
As reported on floodsmart.gov.
Residential flooding and flash floods are already causing damage in South Florida. Locals are being seen walking through knee-high water, cars are stalling and having to be towed, and homeowners are reporting flood damage already.
If you’re a homeowner in South Florida and these flooding events are affecting you, then flood insurance is a must.
South Florida is no stranger to floods anymore. Last year, Fort Lauderdale experienced one of the worst floods in Florida’s history. This year, it seems like Florida is making it a yearly tradition to have a massive flooding event.
Flash floods are dangerous and can cause massive amounts of damage – in addition to creating unsafe conditions.
Common types of damage associated with floods include:
- Flooring damage
- Appliance damage
- Electrical damage
- Mold and mildew
- Damage to septic systems
Flood damage and water damage are not the same thing.
Homeowners tend to think their standard homeowner’s insurance policy protects them from flood damage.
This is not the case.
If you want coverage for flood damage, then you need flood insurance.
For more information, contact us today.
If you have flood damage and you have flood insurance our team will aggressively fight to deliver the highest possible payout. Fill out our contact form, or call us at 855-585-2997.