Hurricane Ian / Hurricane property damage claims

Hurricane Ian Underpayments and Lowball Damage Estimates. The insurance company refused to compensate our client fairly. We got the homeowner over $100,000.

Hurricane Ian Underpayments and Lowball Damage Estimates. The insurance company refused to compensate our client fairly. We got the homeowner over $100,000.

Since Ian struck Florida up until the time this article was written, we have successfully closed dozens of Hurricane Ian claims where the homeowner originally received a denial or underpayment. We are just one law firm, and we have already seen this many mishandled Ian claims where insurance companies clearly decided not to honor valid claims. 

We are seeing more and more cases where insurance companies are making lowball offers to homeowners for their Hurricane Ian damage claims, which does not surprise us considering how Hurricane Irma claims were handled. Insurance companies are also attempting to close claims quickly without even paying the homeowner the minimum amount needed to restore their property to its pre-loss condition. 

We got the homeowner over $100,000 for their valid Hurricane Ian property damage claim after the insurance company refused to compensate our client fairly.

JT Law Firm took on a case where a homeowner was being denied proper compensation for their valid Ian claim by their insurance company.  Our property damage attorneys quickly took action to build a strong case for the homeowner, which resulted in the insurance company cutting a check for over $100,000. 

Telling a homeowner they are not entitled to a payout for their covered hurricane property damage is not only insulting to the homeowner but emotionally frustrating as well. 

You have homeowners insurance to financially protect yourself from covered events. Hurricane Ian slammed into Florida as an immensely powerful major hurricane and caused billions in damage. Yet, more and more homeowners are being told they are not entitled to receive any compensation, or they receive a fractional payout.

If you believe you have been underpaid or had your Ian claim unjustly denied, you should immediately contact JT Law Firm. Our team will work hard for you and help push your case forward.

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) is investigating complaints from policyholders.

Several homeowners have stated their insurance company denied valid damage claims. These complaints have reached The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR), which is investigating the issues raised by homeowners. 

Why is this potentially catastrophic for insurance companies? 

OIR has the power to issue hefty fines on insurance companies. They can also suspend and revoke licenses. Homeowners have also taken their complaints to the Florida Department of Financial Services, which can pursue criminal action against insurance companies caught committing fraud. 

At JT Law Firm, we are relentless in our pursuit to help deliver results for our clients. 

Hurricane Ian victims are fighting to regain a sense of normality. Yet, they are being denied the opportunity to move forward because their insurance company is failing to operate in a just and fair manner. Underpayments, denials, and delayed claims place homeowners in uncomfortable positions. JT Law Firm knows how insurance companies operate, and we know how to push your Ian claim process forward. 

The legal process involved in fighting an insurance company is complex, but our team of highly experienced property damage attorneys knows what to do. In fact, it’s all they do.  

Contact our property damage claims department today for a free case evaluation

Schedule your complimentary discovery call. Call us at 855-585-2997.

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